Similar to the questions you linked, I have had these saved for quite a while and will copy & paste some templates from them when encouraging new users to either read our help center, improve their question, or just welcome them.
Everyone uses their votes differently - but, for me, I rarely use downvotes in general (2627 upvotes, 157 downvotes). For new users, it's even rarer unless it's complete spam or repeated questions from the same user. Reason being, I think it's too easy to give negative quick feedback which is not the ideal "first" experience to have on a new site. I'd rather just post the comment asking for clarification and helping them out & flag it for closure if it's missing reproduction, details, etc.
The flags have a larger delay in the feedback loop as it needs several users to do the same and gives them the chance to edit versus the downvote being immediately visible & having to be retracted afterwards by myself.
My favoriteI enjoy seeing questions are those that show up in the "close" queue that were flagged appropriately initially (need details), but that were then clearly edited to include said details that can then be marked "leave opened".