I think the problem is that people come here wanting us to provide the solution for them.
Most of the time, the real question is very different from the question they're asking.
It should be 'How do I test the values in a map', rather than 'how do I get code coverage for this section'
Ideally, we should be able to determine the cause of the code coverage, and close it as a duplicate with a link to am existing problem that covers it. That way it's clear that this isn't a new problem, but gives them a way to work out what's required.
Unfortunately, who's going to go to that level of effort? It's a bit of a LMGTFY.
The trouble is, there are a lot of lazy people that come here (especially those posting for the first time), and they just don't seem to care. You try to coax some answers from them, but they'll either start a new question (sometimes under a new user), or just ignore you.