Inspired by the mods of a few other communities, this is a continuation of a series of quarterly rewards for the best answer, and I'd ask the community for the best answers from the past quarter to get an additional reward:
Please link to an answer which was created from January 1st 2017 through March 31st 2017 and which you think deserves an additional reward. Only one entry per answer will be valid. For multiple favorites submit separate answers to this post.
Here is a data query to help with the decision making process:
If your answer isn't linked on the list above, no problem! You are free to choose your own favorite answer which didn't get the limelight. Any nominated answer can be from you or from someone else.
The highest voted answer of this meta post will be picked up for the reward of 200 points after 2 weeks.
Note: Answer must have 1+ upvote and submitted in the same quarter only. Answer should not be a wiki. Please only propose one post in any answer here so the votes can easily be tallied.