We seem to have a few generic tags that I think need to be fixed, because they're being abused. Off the top of my head, we have:
Used to describe anything that has the word Lightning in it, from Lightning Apps, Lightning Experience, Lightning Design System, Lightning Components, Lightning App Builder, etc. It's essentially worthless, and even more so, potentially dangerous, since it ends up being combined with tags like:
What does this tag mean? It's used as lightningapp, connected-appsapp, app-builderapp, and so on. It's grown in to a catch-all tag and needs to be fixed.
Originally, I think this meant visualforce-component, but since we have the meta-tag lightning, this means we now have visualforcecomponent and lightningcomponent. Those aren't the same thing, and lightning literally appropriated a tag that originally had a different purpose. I say we clean that one up and ban the original so there's no confusion.
I know that we have several other tags that are troublesome, but I think at minimum we need to distinguish between major chunks of functionality, and encouraging tags like component and app to have dual purposes (or more) won't make things easier for those searching for answers or for those that are answering questions in their favorite categories.
What can we do to clean this up?
I know that there was No Lightning Tag, but that was asked three years ago, and hindsight shows that we should never have let it get to this point.