So I came across a very obvious behavior by one of the Users of accepting and un-accepting an answer. And was wondering if anyone here has come across a similar situation and how have you addressed this.
Day 1
- User posts a question
- I write an answer and it gets accepted
- User then comments on the answer to seek some more guidance
- I take some time to respond to it. In the meantime the answer was un-accepted
- Without realizing that I then respond to the comment, that’s when I notice that the answer was un-accepted
- I provide the requested details, and then the answer is accepted back!
Day 2
- Same User posts exactly the same question
- I come to see that question and ask how’s it different from the the other one providing the link to the original one and mark that as duplicate
- Later realize that the duplicate question was deleted
- And interestingly the original question was again un-accepted!
While I really don’t care about loosing or gaining the 15 reputations out on that answer, but if the answer was marked accepted that would help other members.
Moreover, it seems very obvious that the User in this case was showing a very obvious pattern. Can we actually ask the User why is the answer being accepted or unaccepted this frequent? I think the forum always helps everyone to learn and I find this pattern a bit obvious which should be mentioned to the User.
What is the forum’s thoughts here?