I proposed an edit for this answer on the grounds that the code doesn't run:
How to query the count of child records in soql
Code in original answer:
Select count(Id) totalChilds, Account__c
from SVMXC__Site_c WHERE totalchilds > 1 GROUP BY Account__c
This code doesn't run. Error - WHERE expressions cannot use an aggregate operator, use a HAVING clause instead
My proposed change:
Select count(Id) totalChilds, Account__c
from SVMXC__Site_c GROUP BY Account__c HAVING count(Id) > 1
Edit rejected on the grounds that it deviates from the original intent of the post. Pretty sure this is wrong, since it just seems like a typo from the answerer.
Anyway, if I find an upvoted answer with code that doesn't work, should I edit, comment, or post a new answer with working code?