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Suggest tag Maps

I noticed there is no tag yet for Maps. The forum does not allow me to use it, because it looks too much like map, which is a completely different thing: For those who don't know: I am referring to ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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Create Synonym: listview - for the tag: 'list-view'

Suggest to create a synonym for the tag: list-view new synonym: listview
Saariko's user avatar
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"Direct Messaging" Tag

Could someone create a "Direct Messaging" tag? This would be different from "Private Messaging" (although there isn't one of these either.) There is very little documentation by Salesforce around ...
Jwok's user avatar
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Enable automatic syntax highlighting for JavaScript

The question lightning:navigation to record edit page not working when there is an record update before it is tagged javascript but syntax highlighting was not applied to the code block. I suggested ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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New tag for Lightning Console App

I couldn't find a tag for questions on Lightning Console Apps. Is it possible to create a new tag for the same or is it because it's still in Beta version that the tag is not present in SFSE?
SE_User's user avatar
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Synonym Tag: APP and appexchange

Can we add a synonym to APP-exchange? I am not sure which should be the main, but the 2 are the same (even that no one has yet to tag: appexchange)
Saariko's user avatar
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