I'm on Chrome, version 62.0.3202.94
on Mac OSX, Version 10.11.6, and I don't see bold when it's properly formatted in markdown.
This is an issue for me- I've actually been editing other people's posts thinking that they were trying to use italic formatting, which renders fine. It's been going on for at least a few days without me really noticing what was going on.
I am able to get bold to display on stackoverflow.com, and another child site (code review), but not on this meta or the main site.
I've attached a screenshot of what I see below.
I got really sick of dealing with this while editing posts, so I took a look under the hood to see if I could figure out what was causing this. Looks like its due to a font issue, specifically, 'PT Sans', the default font in my styles. Removing this style from the font-family
attribute for the page causes bold to render for my browser.
These are the five fonts used:
- 'PT Sans' - fails to render bold
- 'Helvetica Neue' - renders bold
- Helvetica - renders bold
- Arial - renders bold
- Sans-serif - renders bold
To make matters weirder, the examples on the google fonts page displays the bold without any problems. Still occuring as of 3-6-18.