My name is Vivek M. Chawla. I'm a Principal ISV Platform Expert at Salesforce and have been a member of the Salesforce StackExchange community since the beginning.
I have a novel idea (at least it's new to me) for using the tagging feature of StackExchange and I'd like some guidance on whether or not my idea is OK as far as our community standards & practices go.
- On April 15th, 2021, the AppExchange Tech Enablement team and I are hosting a public "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) with the Packaging PM, Dileep Burki, and members of his engineering team to discuss second-generation managed packages (2GP).
- I'd like to create a special tag, e.g.
, here in Salesforce Stack Exchange and ask the wider Salesforce Developer community to use it to highlight tricky 2GP questions that they want me, Dileep, and the engineering team to answer
I feel like this would be a win-win for the AppExchange Tech Enablement team and the Salesforce StackExchange community.
- As the host of the AMA, I get to leverage StackExchange's ability to spot duplicate questions and drive users to upvote good questions.
- The Salesforce StackExchange community benefits by having all questions that are tagged with
being guaranteed to get the best answer possible from the official Salesforce product and tech enablement teams after the AMA is concluded.
So, that's my crazy idea. Does this feel "icky" or problematic to anyone?
I may be a Salesforce employee now, but I've been part of this community longer than I've worked for Salesforce. I care deeply about how we operate and I don't want to do anything others feel would be inappropriate.
Thanks in advance for your feedback.
could be better-worded
tag after the event? I'm not against it, but after a bit of time post April it won't be useful. Could the tag be removed later on to avoid confusing people?What is Dileep's favorite keyprefix?
might be amusing to ask, but not terribly useful.2gp-ama
tag once the event is over. To be honest, I'm new to the moderation side of things and wasn't sure if it was possible to remove tags. My hope is that it is possible and that my reputation is high enough to allow me to do so.04t
...OBVIOUSLY!) will have to be asked directly during the AMA. :-)