Stealing an idea from last year (StackExchange DreamForce meetup?), I was curious if there was any interest in meeting up this year again. I realize it is early still, too early to really get something concrete in place, but I am trying to gauge interest to see if it would make sense to try and organize something.
I would love to meet some of you. We have an incredibly talented bunch of Salesforce admins/developers/users on this site. So, if you are interested in meeting up, upvote this question and leave a comment/answer. Details will be set closer to the date of the event.
EDIT: Well, it has been slightly over a month and there is only about a month to go until Dreamforce. Does anyone have any suggestions on where/when we should meet?
A few of us are meeting tomorrow morning (11/21) at 7am at Mel's Diner if anyone is interested.