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Questions tagged [tagging]

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11 votes
1 answer

Are you checking the tags when you read a question?

If you're voting to close, commenting on a question, or otherwise interacting with it, do you remember to check the tags? Improperly tagged questions won't badge hammer correctly, won't be viewed by ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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2 votes
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TAGS: reports and joined-reports

To merge or not? and if not - than we need to change the reports wiki. reports - notes that the format can be joined as well. joined-reports - is it redundant? thoughts?
Saariko's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What's this tag: Data?

What's the point of the data? Can't really understand it's meaning. Maybe consider to delete? Since the word "data" - is very general and broad, I think it needs some moderation. Maybe add some ...
Saariko's user avatar
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