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Questions tagged [tags]

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8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Tags and replacement of terminology

As you all know, Salesforce does sometimes change terminology on us. Frequently tags on the site are named after their terminology and thus really need to be updated to the new terminology. A good ...
Phil W's user avatar
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Suggest tag Maps

I noticed there is no tag yet for Maps. The forum does not allow me to use it, because it looks too much like map, which is a completely different thing: For those who don't know: I am referring to ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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Create Synonym: listview - for the tag: 'list-view'

Suggest to create a synonym for the tag: list-view new synonym: listview
Saariko's user avatar
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"Direct Messaging" Tag

Could someone create a "Direct Messaging" tag? This would be different from "Private Messaging" (although there isn't one of these either.) There is very little documentation by Salesforce around ...
Jwok's user avatar
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New tag for Lightning Console App

I couldn't find a tag for questions on Lightning Console Apps. Is it possible to create a new tag for the same or is it because it's still in Beta version that the tag is not present in SFSE?
SE_User's user avatar
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New Tag Suggestion/ Modification- REST API

The current tag refers to Salesforce core ( It might be of value to either modify this, or create a new one for Marketing Cloud.
0xsegfault's user avatar
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can you guys create a tag for push notifications or any alternative tag available for this?

can you guys create a tag for push notifications or any alternative tag available for this? i tried to create a question for push notification but does not find the tag push notification. can someone ...
Bforce's user avatar
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Could anybody add a new tag for design system react?

The design-system-react repo suggests posting support questions with the tag design-system-react. I can't find this tag. Could someone with sufficient reputation please add this tag?
gburnett's user avatar
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